PermaSteel’s Guide to Metal Roofing Maintenance

Home Services Investment

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November 20, 2023

Metal roofing is an increasingly popular choice among homeowners, who choose it because of its durability and longevity. And even though metal roofs don’t require much maintenance, making the time for regular maintenance for your metal roof can help to ensure that it protects your home for many decades to come.

Regular inspections are key


Performing regular inspections of your metal roof is the first, and most important, step in maintaining it. Mark your calendar and check your roof at least twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall. 

Look for any signs of damage, including:

Loose or missing fasteners

Inspect the screws and fasteners that secure the metal panels. Tighten any loose ones, and replace any missing fasteners promptly (or contact your local metal roofing professionals to do so!)

Rust or corrosion

Check for any rust spots or areas of corrosion on the metal surface. Most metal roofs are made from material that is rust- and corrosion-resistant, but there are some scenarios where rust might appear.


If this occurs, it’s definitely a job for a metal roofing professional, who may replace the material or suggest a rust-inhibiting primer and paint for the metal to prevent future damage.

Sealant and caulking

Inspect the sealant and caulking around the vents, chimneys, and flashing on your metal roof. Take note of any cracked or deteriorated sealant and replace it in order to keep your roof watertight.

Debris accumulation

One of the most common, and most easily-remedied, issues with a metal roof is the simple accumulation of debris. This will happen throughout the year, especially if you live in an area with lots of trees or high winds.


If you notice leaves, branches, or other debris on your roof, simply remove them as soon as possible– since allowing them to accumulate can trap moisture, and even promote rust and corrosion.

Flashing and edges

Examine the flashing and edges of your roof for any signs of damage or separation. Making sure that your flashing is properly sealed and secured is necessary for preventing leaks and ensuring that your roof does what it should to keep your house protected from the elements.

Cleaning your metal roof


You might find it helpful to regularly clean your roof, depending on your ability to access the roof and the specific environmental conditions where you live. Although metal roofs are less susceptible to moss and algae than other types of roofing materials, they still might occur, along with dirt.


Simply use a garden hose and a soft-bristle brush, if necessary, to gently clean the surface of the roof. We don’t recommend using high-pressure washers on your roof. While the roof is tough enough to withstand pressure washing, it’s usually not necessary and might even damage the protective coating of your metal roof.

Gutter maintenance


If you have gutters, be sure to regularly clean and inspect them to ensure that your gutters and downspouts are free of debris and functioning the way they should.


Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow, which can cause damage to your metal roof, and the structure beneath it. If possible, trim any overhanging tree branches to prevent leaves from falling into your gutters whenever possible.

Professional inspection and maintenance


While regular homeowner inspections and maintenance are essential, it’s a good idea to schedule periodic professional inspections.


A metal roofing expert can easily identify potential issues that you might overlook during routine inspections of you roof, and provide expert recommendations for maintenance and repairs.

If you’re ready to get a quote on a metal roof for your home, or have questions about metal roof maintenance, give us a call today!

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